Gent S4-720 S-Quad Optical Addressable Heat Detector


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Key Features:

  • Each sensor element has sensitivity settings which can be adjusted to suit the environment / application and can be programmed for different time periods during the day or night
  • Repeat fire LED output as standard (if monitored input not used)
  • Operational LED blink ‘On/Off’ option
  • Monitored Input – which can be Fire, Fault or Supervisory


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Gent S4-720 Heat Detector

Gent S Quad Detectors come up as a new concept in fire detection. The sensor is completely reliable that offers you quick response to fire and ensures exceptional computing power. The risk of false alarm is quite low, as this fire detection device is made to make life safe and easy. If you are looking for the most innovative option and genuine solution to fire detection, you must consider purchasing this product.

With the improved speed and integrity of fire detection, this device will serve your purposes in the best possible manner. Coupled with integral sounder and speech capability, everything used in the device is of the next level and this is what makes Gent S Quad Detectors a great choice for fire detection alarm.

Key Features

  • The sensor element comes with sensitivity setting that can be adjusted to match the environment and can be used for different time periods during day or night according to your requirements.
  • Standard repeat fire LED output
  • Comes with on/off option as an operational LED blink.
  • Monitored Input – which can be Fire, Fault or Supervisory
SKU: 18032019002 Category:

