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what you"ll learn
Course Description
- How to identify various Fire Alarm Systems’ Components, including Control Panels, various types of Smoke & Heat Sensors, Notification devices, Power supplies & back-up systems. Fire resistant cables.
- Have a full understanding of Fire Systems topologies ( Conventional, Addressable & Stand-Alone modes).
- Understand the concept of Zoning, loops & parallel connections for sensors and devices.
- An extensive look at the concept of Wi-Fyre & Wireless devices.
Alarm Evacuation signals, fire alarm systems code
This is a hands-on practical Fire Alarm Systems training. You do not necessarily need to have previous technical knowledge or background as you would be taught from the very basics.
At the end of this course participants would be able to do the following;
Identify various Fire Alarm Systems’ Components, including Control Panels, various types of Smoke & Heat Sensors, Notification devices, Power supplies & back-up systems. Fire resistant cables.
Understand Fire Systems topologies ( Conventional, Addressable & Stand-Alone modes), concept of Zoning, loops & parallel connections for sensors and devices. Concept of Wi-Fyre & Wireless devices. Wire to Wireless Gateway. Application of Modems for remote automatic (mobile phone notifications).
Understand Fire Alarm Systems Design Building safety interfaces; Automatic and manually actuated devices. High rise building fire management systems.
course outline
Introduction to Fire Alarm Systems: Manual systems, Automatic systems, Fire Alarm Installation Topologies: Conventional Systems, Addressable Systems, Stand Alone Systems. Passive fire protection, Active fire protection, concept of zoning.
Fire Alarm Components: Physical Identification and investigation of specifications of Fire Alarm Components: Control Panels, Various types of Sensors, Notification devices & Cables used for Fire Alarm Systems.
Fire Alarm Control Panels: Control Panel types and specifications including Addressable and conventional units, multiplexed systems, mapping (zones, groups, logic) and networking.
Practical Exercise: Practical Set-up of a Fire Alarm System. Connecting the Sensors to both the conventional & Addressable Systems. Your Instructor would provide you details of diagrams and connections
Fire Alarm Systems Design: Building safety interfces, automatic and manually actuated devices. building fire management system.
Fire Alarm Monitoring: System reset, Acknowledge, Fire Drills, Walk test, Signal silence
Fire alarm notification devices: Alarm Evacution signals, fire alarm systems code: temporal code3, EVAC, Pre-Alert tones.
Fire Alarm Codes & Standards: Understanding applicable codes and standards, governing fire alarm system Application and Installation: National Fire Alarm & Signaling code, NFPA 72, National Electrical Code.
Fire Alarm Installation & Commissioning: Hardware installation: Drilling, Mounting, Trunking and Cabling set up, configuration & testing
Practical Overview & Hands on Practice: Practical overview of course, review of all concepts, general questions.
Business & Entrepreneurship. Starting a Fire Alarm Installation services business.
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